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frequently asked questions

What is the return policy ?

Since all of our products are custom-made, we apologize, there is no return or exchange policy

What if the product is damaged ?

If the product is damaged, contact us to obtain a solution as quickly as possible

What are shipping prices ?

Delivery in the UAE is 30AED, except for the western regions, 50AED.
international shipping based on the weight


when can expect my order to be delivered ?

Shipping time for immediate delivery in the UAE is 3 working days / outside the country 5 working days
Shipping time for immediate delivery with no stitching in the UAE is 3 working days / outside the country 5 working days
Shipping time for immediate delivery with tailoring in the UAE is 7 working days / outside the country 10 working days
Shipping time for custom made orders is 6 weeks

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